Friday, 18 June 2010

Dolphins, dolphins and more dolphins!

S. coeruleoalba - photo: F. Lourenço

T. truncatus - photo: F. Lourenço

D. delphis - photo: F. Lourenço

G. macrorhynchus - photo: F. Lourenço

G. griseus - photo: F. Lourenço

Estas são as espécies de golfinhos que temos visto ultimamente / These are the species of dolphins that we have been seeing lately:

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Moby Dick Grandsons

P. macrocephalus - photo: F. Lourenço

P. macrocephalus - photo: F. Lourenço

P. macrocephalus - photo: F. Lourenço

P. macrocephalus - photo: F. Lourenço

Os encontros da saída de 5 de Junho... Cachalotes (Physeter macrocephalus)

The sightings of June the 5th... Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus)